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Comprehensive Smart Energy

Pulished on Sep. 15, 2020

Comprehensive smart energy for regional energy user, change the original energy varieties, different supply chain planning and design of individual alone, separate operation of the traditional pattern, with electricity as the core, to provide electricity, heat, cold, gas, water and other energy integration solutions, controlled by the central intelligence service platform, to achieve horizontal energy between many varieties, the vertical "source - net - load - storage - use" energy supply chain collaboration and interaction between is a kind of realization forms of the energy revolution.

"Comprehensive " emphasizes energy integration solutions, starting from user-side thinking, and is the integration of multiple energy varieties."Smart" is embodied in three levels. One is information technology, which organically links integrated energy systems through the Internet, information technology and energy information superhighway. Secondly, the system algorithm should be upgraded. The optimization of calculation between different energy varieties and different supply links is needed to realize the complementarity and coordination of multiple dimensions, which requires a stronger central command system to reduce the production cost of the system.The third is the intelligence of the device end, the intelligence of each energy element.

The characteristics of comprehensive intelligent energy include comprehensiveness, proximity, interactivity, marketization, intelligentization and low carbonization.1.Comprehensiveness: refers to the collaborative production, distribution, sales, consumption of electricity, heat, cold, gas, water and other energy resources in energy-using areas, as well as the collaborative operation of source, network, charge, storage and use. 2.Proximity: refers to the realization of local energy production, local balance, local consumption. 3.Interactivity: it refers to the interaction between different energy subjects and the interaction between supply and demand.4. Marketization: Refers to the establishment of a market-based pricing mechanism to improve the efficiency of energy and resource allocation.5.Intelligentization: Refers to the application of modern information technologies such as "cloud big things moving intelligence chain" to improve the intelligence level of energy production, distribution and use.6.Low carbon: Refers to the goal of improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions, to achieve clean and efficient regional energy production and consumption, achieving near-zero emissions.

Comprehensive energy project with diverse applications, for example smart town (containing the new and old city/town, combined with smart city), industrial area (including industrial park, hi-tech park, more than a single industry or industry), cluster building type (including single and "subject + podium buildings).

Comprehensive Smart Energy
